Street View Page on Italy

Google Street View is available through Google Maps and Google Earth and provides panoramic views along many streets in the world. It was started in 2007 in the United States and has since expanded to include a large number of countries. Some countries have objected to this form of data gathering and have not allowed Google to take the imagery, Germany being the main hold-out. Available Street View imagery available is shown as blue lines on Google Maps once the so-called pegman has been activated. Images are most often taken by car but a variety of other modes of transport have been used. Once captured, the images are subsequently stitched together. In some areas, Street View images are augmented by privately-done photospheres.


  1. Street View screen captures
  2. Links to Street View panoramas
  3. TripGeo Street View Animations
  4. Moore's Where to Invade Next

1 Street View Screen Captures

The Colosseum

There is no official time that the Colosseum was built, but is estimated to be in between 72 A.D. and 80 A.D. It is made of all concrete and stone. This historical site has 80 entrances, can seat around 50,000 people, and it is the largest amphitheater in the world. There are many underground passages underneath the Colosseum to keep the animals and gladiators were kept in between fights. The arena is about189m long, 156m wide, and 50m high.


Leaning Tower of Pisa

The Leaning Tower of Pisa stands about 60 meters tall and leans about 10 degrees. The tower started to lean during construction, it was designed to be vertical. The Tower of Pisa is simply just referred to as the bell tower. It has 8 stories, including the bell chamber itself and there are 207 columns arranged around it.


The Amalfi Coast

The Amalfi Coast overlooks the beautiful Mediterranean Sea and is home to just over 5,000 people. In the night time the buildings on the hills light up and it reflects of the water making the already beautiful view magical.


2 Links to Street View Panoramas

Insert three links with descriptions to Street View Panoramas here.

Trevi Fountain in Rome

The Trevi Fountain was made in 1762 and was designed by Nicola Salvi. It is the best known fountain in all of Italy.

Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome

The Castel Sant’Angelo was built in between 135-139 AD and wa originally a mausoleum for Roman Emperor Hadrian. Then it was used as fortresses and castles for popes, it is now a museum.

Statue of David in Florence

The famous Michelangelo’s statue of the biblical hero David was built in Rome, Italy in between 1501- 1504. This statue is made of marble and is 17 feet tall. 


3 TripGeo Streetview Player


Trevi Fountain to the Spanish Steps

StreetView animation from the Trevi Fountain to the Spanish Steps in Rome, Italy

To get to the Spanish Steps from the Trevi Fountain in Rome takes about 8 minutes to walk there. The Spanish Steps are the link to Trinità dei Mont church to the Spanish square below.


Spanish Steps to the Colosseum

 StreetView animation from the Spanish Steps to the Colosseum in Rome, Italy.

To go from the Spanish Steps to the Colesseum in Rome takes about 28 minutes to walk, 10 minutes to drive. The animation above walks you through the Italian streets to get there.


Colosseum to the Mamertine Prison

StreetView animation from the Colosseum to the Mamertine Prison in Rome, Italy

To get to the Mamertine Prison from the Colosseum would take about a 12 minute walk or a 3 minute drive. The animation walks you there to the Prison. The Mamertine Prison is made up of 2 chambers on top of one another and was used in biblical times.


4 Moore's Where to Invade Next

Moore's documentary is politically polarizing. Conservative columnists, such as Armon White, are sharply critical of the movie. First, comment on the validity of White's negative review. Then, putting aside politics, what can the movie show us about the value of travel in understanding our own country.

Moore’s documentary shows many issues that the United States has to deal with. The issues that Moore shows is very limited. Armon White’s article states that Moore only shows what Americans want to see rather than giving you the full story in his documentary. American’s do not want to face the reality of all the conflicts that is happening in their country every day. Many countries are facing the same problem as the Americans do, we are just not aware that we aren’t alone in this issue.

Traveling will open up everyone’s eyes to realize what is going on outside of the United States. Many countries are dealing with the same things that America is with politics and social issues. If more Americans get out of their comfort zone and travel more, they will realize there is more to the world than what the television wants them to hear. The world has a few similarities to America, but there are many other different cultures and ways of living that the United States can learn from.

Submitted by Sarah Hunt on April 7, 2019.